AL FAHAD IT CONSULTING2024-01-22T13:49:57+00:00
Zoho Updates Of The Month
At Zoho Assist, Zoho is constantly working to improve the app and provide you with the best-in-class experience. Take a look at the updates that the team of Zoho is rolling out this month:
Know your Network Statistics
Technicians and customers can now access the network statistics under the Session menu in the right panel during an ongoing session. These statistics let you obtain information about their respective connectivity status, latency, and download/upload rates. To learn more about network statistics and how this feature works. Click here
File Transfer for Android
Technicians can now request their customers to transfer files when providing remote assistance for an Android device. Files of up to 2GB can be shared by the customer when connected via an Android device.
Customer plugin optimization
This significant enhancement will allow customers to join a session from any Domain controller (DC) when required. Grid dependency has been eliminated with this revamp, letting customers join a session from any DC. The user interface of the Join Session page has also been optimized to offer an enhanced experience.
Remote support software needs your support too!
Zoho Assist has been recently listed in Gartner Peer Insights. We would very much appreciate it if you could take a moment out of your busy day to review the product.
Once your review is published, the Zoho team will offer one remote support session or allow the free addition of 25 unattended access devices to your Assist account for six months. Submit your review here
Have any questions? Zoho has to answer you
If you have any questions or concerns about the product, please contact the Zoho help center. Zoho will be happy to assist you. For pricing and demo-related queries, send an email to
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